Monday, November 15, 2004

Videogame Joy!

Friday night I got to Los Feliz in time to join Alex and his houseguest (clue: sounds like Hattrick) for dinner at a Chinese Restaurant which was very bueno (I mean, no 28 Mott - PDH);always nice to sit down with chopsticks and eat crispy fried meat and sauce. Afterwards, we went to see the new Godard film at AFM (the boredom from the film on top of being tired from a long week of work meant I fell asleep 20 minutes in and woke up at one point and my eyes stung so I went back to sleep). Woke up during the credits and my breath was superbad. Alex's classmates were sorta negative about the film and when I didn't give my opinion they thought it was because I liked the film. I didn't want to explain that I was asleep for most of it, and even had I been awake, I haven't understood most of Godard's work. Or maybe I just don't enjoy it. In any case, I ran downstairs to the Arclight gift shop and quickly bought a 4 dollar pack of mints. Rode shotgun with E-Mags to the Roost, which is a bar where the night before (Thursday) Alex, Hattrick and Neighbor! had run into a blast from the past, the girl I co-wrote the Varsity Show with. Awkwardness on Thursday when Neighbor! tried to be funny and joked that "Oh, you're the girl that Eric hates". Alex had to jump in and explain that Matt was joking and had no idea that I've intermittently whined about my co-writing experience with this girl for the last 4 and a half years. In any case, she lives in the neighborhood and I assume I'm gonna run into her sooner or later so maybe I should strategize how to be cordial... Varsity Show my year was sorta like a Behind the Music episode on Van Halen (David Lee Roth leaves and then Sammy Hagar's the captain of the ship, it's just not the Van Halen it could have been; Don't get me wrong, the video for "Right now" played my heartstrings nicely...)
The Roost is a good bar. Nice mix of hipsters with the wonderful L.A. barfolk who could be set dressing in a filmic adaptation of something by Bukowski... I got to hear every song I paid for on the jukebox. Neighbor!'s friend was disappointed that I didn't play "Mr. Brownstone" but had I plugged in another dollar, it would have been my next song.
At home I fell asleep for ten hours, woke up, called my friend, and we got together and worked on our tv show idea. That night I joined Alex and Hattrick
to see "Infernal Affairs 3" at AFIFEST (Thanks Ms. Awesome for getting us into the AFI Fest! 'Twas Awesome). Alex/Hattrick had seen Parts 1 & 2. I walked in not knowing a thing so didn't have a clue what was going on for a lot of the movie. People called each other on cellphones all the time in the movie. It was like a big cellphone ad (with lots of people getting scammed or shot).
Yesterday, I bought five Nintendo Gamecube games (3 have to do with Lord of the Rings). My eyes are beyond bloodshot. I played video games for 4 wasted hours yesterday. It was so relaxing for me. However, things aren't so relaxed for my band of hobbits, elves and rangers. But such are the hardships of Middle Earth. Can't wait to get home. If I don't destroy that ring, it's bad news for everyone back at The Shire.
Today is Monday. Work is work. Only 45 minutes until lunch. Goodbye cubicle, hello sandwich! I bought a Smiths CD. It's totally awesome to get a greatest hits CD where you only know 2 songs and all the songs are new discoveries that add to your enjoyment of life. Just got my paycheck. Now I can pay rent for next month. Yee-hah!
Anyone see the new issue of Car & Driver? They think the new Corvette is better than the new 911. Anyone else displeased by this?
Gotta finish the post. The microwave is by my desk and someone heated up something that could very well be last week's bouillabaisse. Smells something awful to me.
Gonna use this as a time to escape Cubicle Row and go do work in my boss's office.
Rock paper scissors, Eric

P.S. I did this PSA for a friend that he entered in an ACLU contest and won. If you find it, I watch tv in it. convincingly.


At 5:31 PM, Blogger SHL said...

You know how I said I could never be trained to play video games? That was *before* you dropped that Lord of the Rings was involved.
The shire has been saved Sam, but not for me.

There is still hope.

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Matt White said...

BASTARD! It was not this "Hattrick" fellow who accompanied you and Alex to "Infernal Affairs 3" -- it was I, NEIGHBOR!! btw, your breath didn't smell like roses THAT night, either. ;)

At 7:04 AM, Blogger alex or eric said...

Apologies. I was tired when I wrote it.
Of course it was you.
Halitosisly yours, Eric


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