Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Have The Shins Changed Your Life?

Alex is winning in the post wars. I haven't posted for years. Literally.
Why? I dunno. My work hours have been superlong lately. I wake up between
5:15 and 5:45 and am at work by 7. I leave the office around 7:30 or 8. I've had the same 3 Netflix movies for 3 weeks. (Duel in the Sun, Wings of Desire, Sugarland Express). I usually get home, eat dinner and fall asleep. I don't know how long I can keep this schedule up. Feeling pretty exhausted. Also, I think I might check in with a doctor. I get stomachpain at work. What does an ulcer feel like? Will have to, not noun) some info during lunch. I like looking up my name on google and seeing that the other Eric Lanes of the world (prison inmate looking for a penpal, rally truck race driver, football player, actor, gay playwright) are all doing okay. But maybe I really just do it so that I know when
I'm up there for all of the internet to see should they search my name on google. Alex had a super nice friend crash at Hotel Los Feliz 2 weeks ago who was really into video games. All his talk about Halo 2 has me really wanting to buy an XBox. Then again, I'm so busy with work, when would I play? Maybe there's someone who has a social life on weekends and for he/she weekdays are preferable video game time. Am I a dork if I have video game console joint custody with some other dork? Please don't answer. Had Thai Food takeout last night. I blame MSG in the Thai Food for my crazy dreams (you know, the usual: enormous seahorses washed up on the beach, me yelling for help with the seahorses and finding that I couldn't make any noise, then me walking back to the hotel which had a lobby full of rows and rows of hammocks, all filled with J. Crew wearing good looking dudes, the J. Crew dudes all noisy for no reason)
I've been waking up in the middle of the night to some noise at 3am. What noise happens at 3am? Is that when the newspaper gets delivered? Had trouble falling back asleep this morning after being roused by the 3am noiso misterioso, so I went out on my deck, and just sort of stood there in the superearly morning cold, looking at the wall of bamboo and tried to think of something to do, but 48 degrees fahrenheit had me and my boxer shorts shivering, so I went back inside, put Neutral Milk Hotel into my discman, and listened to "King of Carrot Flowers" over and over again. Hopefully there'll be an ipod in my future. 'Cause with an ipod, I think I'd have complete fulfillment in life. ipod owners seem so happy with their ipods. Am I missing something that makes it more than an mp3 player? 'Cause to me it's a useful gadget, as you can have all your music with you and you can listen to it wherever whenever. But come on, it's no "dashboard hula jesus" <- my invention, so if you steal it, at least send some profits my way via paypal. I'm just writing aimlessly. i will one day have an ipod. or a silver flask at my hip with headphones plugged into it.
I need to get the 15,000 mile service on my car. The dealership is near work so I'm going to just drop the car off and then walk to the office. Anyway, hopefully they throw in a free wash, 'cause mom's former station wagon is looking pretty dirty. 8:43am. Boss just called in. Work for Wendesday, Nov. 10 has officially begun.
Be well. Stay warm. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. Etc. - Eric

P.S. Ikebana is a lie. I touch no flowers.
P.P.S. Nuggets told me: "Shout out to all the ladies. Thumbs down to the dudes."


At 11:02 AM, Blogger alex or eric said...

Dude Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away.
Don't b.s., you love flowers. Especially the one that guy got you at Akbar.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger SHL said...

"On peptic, duodenal or esophageal ulcers, by Sarah Lebo, RN":
Ulcers are most frequently caused not by stress per se, but by colonization of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. An "ulcer", or degradation of the glandular and epithelial tissue lining of the gastrointestinal tract, may exist for some time without the bearer being cognizant of its presence. It is generally not until the ulcer has perforated the deep epithelia or smooth muscle tissue that sharp burning pain is elicited. Some ulcers bleed a small amount (about as much as you bleed every time you take aspirin or tylenol, ~ 2 tsp) others bleed enough to cause anemia or melena (especially malodorous black tarry stool). Some ulcer pain radiates to the shoulder or back. It is thought that ulcers may have a hereditary link. I knew an Irish sister and brother who both had ulcers at the age of 18. But both were alcoholics so it's a chicken and egg situation.
Ulcers may be prolonged or exacerbated by stress, eating disorders, caffeine and/or alcohol intake, ingestion of fried or fatty foods and excessive exposure to pornography.

I am one of those for whom the iPod has increased the quality of my life. I did not know an object could really follow through on this promise. it has been my bestest friend and lover over the past 2 years. Other objects that have done this include my iBook and my Honda Metropolitan 49cc. I would like to offer a quote on the subject from my 14 year old cousin who recently got a 4th gen 20 gb iPod: "Everytime I look at it I get a ten foot erection. It's that sweet."

I dont play video games. I dont even think I could be trained to do so. Super Mario Bros (O.G.) and I'm out.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Christian said...

Hi guys. Hope everything is well out in LA. I linked your site on my blog. Hopefully this will direct some traffic your way... not that I get any traffic my way that would actually be diverted your way. I'm just saying, hypothetically, there is an internet-road between our blogs. Whether or not that road will be traveled is another issue.

Now link me back, bitches!


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