Sunday, November 07, 2004

Jamesons and Ultimate

Friday night started off pretty all right but after a few rounds of Jamesons...yikes!
Eric and I went to a friend's birthday party out in Santa Monica which for all you New Yorkers is sorta like the nicer but not necessarily tonier parts of Long Island. We, especially Eric, were pretty tired when we rolled in around 11pm. We were gonna have a couple of drinks, say hi to some friends, and go home and thrown in some slow ass German flick into the ol' DVD player and fall asleep in each other's arms which at first was awkward but lately have grown accustomed to doing at Hotel Los Feliz. (Insert non sequitur: of late, been flippin' on the heat at night... trying to figure what's worse: scrotal icicles or drowning in a pool of one's own ureic back sweat)
Had some whisky. Then had some more. Then started purchasing whisky for others. Soon enough, I was walking around with a ladyfriend's pink (paisley, I think) scarf tied ascot-like around my neck pointing my finger in the most fey way imaginable, as if the tendons in my wrist had magically lost all elasticity. I was wearing my winter coat which as some of you might recall, is this pretty sharp dark blue velvet double-breasted "piece" from Jil Sander, pre-Jil Sander's comeback. Shit's hot (though I'm pretty upset to learn that velvet is in this season). But in any case, yeah, with that get-up, I pulled my best KOREAN Mick Jagger circa Between the Buttons look, but it probably came off as being really really gay. Whatever, it's LA. (At least I don't wear floral print full cut dress shirts with the tails hanging out like some kinda skeezy biatch.)
Back to story (blogging is a new thing to me and is still very weird): so, I'm pretty soused and will do just about anything to get a laugh except take a dump in front of others, which is old hat given that some poor chick already done did that (in white pants no less!). So, the next best thing I thought would be to jump in the lap of two of my classmates who were seated comfortably on a couch, enjoying each other's company, potentially talking about some seriously deep shit. Sure, that too is old hat, but the creative juices were certainly congealed do to the bracing cold that night. (if I could do DFWesque footnotes, I would) Anyway, I'm like I'm awfully bored, so with Jamesons in hand, I sorta trip over my knees and all 160 lbs of me lands on top of B and R, two pretty great and fun and lovely lady classmates of mine. Right when my belly touches B's knees, I hear a bassy THUD! I look up and see that B & R are clearly not amused and in not-so-funny-nor-cute pain. R's hand reaches up to her left brow and B's to the back of her head: the looks on their faces turned my stomach. I set off a completely unintentional domino effect where my velvet clad hunk of self thrusted B's torso and noggin several feet back into R's torso and noggin, their melons colliding in the most terrible and unfunny way. I hadn't seen such clenched misery since the morning after I had Ethiopian "food" for dinner two years ago (w/ Eric as well). I apologized profusely and became a bit bitter at myself (if that's even a possible emotional response)...I hurt two friends of mine and though it was an accident, I felt pretty crappy about it. I offered them free punches to anywhere on my bods, but they being better than that, declined. I did get R a plastic cup full of ice which I hope helped. I should've stopped drinking then and gone home, but I continued. Sooo stupid. Anyway, after a most weird wrap-up at a dinner w/ the others, Eric and I ended up coming home around 4:30 which sucked for Eric b/c he was up for 23 hours and sucked for me b/c well it just sucked.

Then yesterday, I get a call from R. I ask her how she's doing and she tells me she got a black eye!!! I apologized again and again. An effing black eye! On a friend! On a female friend! Then when I got home from auditions, I got an email from B w/ the subject heading, "Mt. St. Helens sort of..." She had a headache all day Saturday! I'm such an ass. So, I came to the decision that I'm not gonna drink more than one drink next time I'm out with my SC friends...for some reason, when I hang out with them, I turn into some sorta asshole daemon but when I'm out with college or high school friends, I'm fairly respectable.

So that was the dramatic part of the weekend. Today, Andy and I played Ultimate in the Hollywood Hills literally below the Hollywood sign. I hadn't played since July. It was tremendous fun. Such a great game.



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