Monday, November 15, 2004

Lagerfeld at H&M?

So in Saturday's Business Section of the Times, I read a pretty fun article on the new Karl Lagerfeld/H&M collaboration. I'm sure some of you did as well. I don't get it. Lagerfeld talks about how the fashionable sorts mix the high-end w/ the low, but the notion of mass produced cheap Lagerfeld dresses made w/ 2nd rate materials (I know cut is everything, but if the fabric sucks, then it sucks to wear it) doesn't gel w/ what he's talking about. Apparently, all his stuff sold out in hours. Go figure. Don't want to say that the death knell has been tolled, but don't be surprised if douchebags like Proenza Schouler start kicking it w/ H&M: now that would be cause for worry for those who actually think fashion is interesting, which I, as a proud member of the heteroclub, do.

Related to this admittedly fruity subject is I'm pretty upset that California doesn't have a Fall season. Lots of guys go for the way girls look during the summertime (I do too but only for a little while (bare bellies get old quick)), but I love how women look during the cool autumn months. They're just dressed better and ooze somekindawonderful in their knee length wool skirts (or pants, if you must), cashmere turtlenecks and scarfs and wildly patterned waist high coats. There's so little of that here. Oh, I pray that December is the new October!

Eric (just kidding dude)


At 9:39 PM, Blogger Fat Asian Baby said...

If you send me a cashmere turtleneck and wildely patterned waist high coat i promise i'll send a picture. no joke.

At 11:56 PM, Blogger alex or eric said...

Oh man I'm pretty tempted! Hotel Los Feliz does need some wall hangings. Alas, I don't have enough money to buy clothes for others, let alone myself.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger alex or eric said...

I love reading blogs at work. Beats working.
One day when I'm famous, I'm gonna pay Alex to be
my stylist. Then again, there's something stylish about
wearing khaki pants and plaid shirts everyday, isn't there? Uh. Not so much, I guess. I've only been in H&M once and it's totally overwhelming. People are grabbing everything in sight like they're starving people who've parachuted (paradropped?) into a supermarket. Gotta run. There's movies being made. And some lucky Ivy League grad's gotta process the paperwork. Whine whine whine. Heating in the house did little last night. Mind you, outside at night in LA is probably warmer than the daytime temp in NYC these days. Whine whine whine. A week from now I'm gonna be in New York, eating a slice of Joe's before I head up to Grand Central and head home to Connetiquette for Birdday, USA! Giddy 'bout that, Eric aka Rick Chevrolet (my stage name were I to be a dancer, the sorta dancer that wears Speedos, a bow-tie and a Captain's cap)

P.S. Frodo Lives!

At 12:38 PM, Blogger alex or eric said...

really Eric, stop whining. you sound like a little bitch.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger alex or eric said...

Decorum, sir. Thank you, Eric

At 4:52 PM, Blogger SHL said...

I hope the Baggins reference was a fashionable shout out to me.

I have a BCBG green turtleneck that comes out in December Alex.

You should just get one of those body pillows and make like, a camelhair slipcover for it, spray it with Kenzo, wrap a little R. Lauren scarf about it's waist and you can snuggle up to it at night.


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