Easter tip for NYC Jewish folk: Great day to go to the auto show
Eric writes:
Easter Sunday. I went to church with Alex this morning. Second time going to church with Alex ever. I really liked his church in NYC with Dr. Tim Keller: Redeemer. Today was fun, 'though much more California than any church I've been to ever. I had taken an all-natural-vegetarian-multi-vitamin before we left, so midway through, my breath tasted terrible. Feel bad for Alex's friend BH, who was sitting next to me. As I'm Jewish, I'd never been to an Easter service before. Good times. I bolted home afterwards to finish the rough draft of the proposal I'm writing. So no ham for me on Easter. When the sermon addressed the last supper being a Passover seder, I was thinking to myself, what a terrible meal to be your last dinner on Earth. Don't get me wrong, I love seders (I mean what other holiday do you get to dole out plagues on the Egyptians by dipping your pinkie into your wine glass), but for a last meal it sucks. Jesus gets to heaven:
"Oh, J.C. Sup, Sup? Welcome to Heaven. By the way, what'd you have for your last dinner on earth?"
"I had bitter herbs in saltwater, gefilte fish, and matzoh. Oh, and some lamb."
"Tell me about it. No grilled cheese sandwiches. No chocolate cake. Just seder stuff."
"Bummer, man."
"You bet your ass it is."
Now, I'm about to read two scripts and write sample coverage for a division of a studio. I will restrain myself in my coverage and make no references to Robert Bresson or Andrzej Wadja. Wadja fucking rocks by the way. So jazzed for that Criterion set (as if I don't have enough DVD's), but I'll definitely Netflix 'em if I don't buy 'em.
It's my first Easter not on the east coast. Usually I'd be at the auto show with my Dad. That's what Easter usually means for me. Next year, I think I might fly back just to go with him. It's always a lot of fun (also great people watching).
Last night was Shleb's birthday. I joined for a short amount of time. It was fun. Ran into a girl I knew was out here, but had sorta been avoiding. We co-wrote a show in college that didn't go to well, despite the awesomely funny scenes I wrote. The best line clearly being, "Oh, these tight black pants? They’re free with Barnard tuition." It killed. When I say it didn't go well, it didn't mean the show didn't go well. The show was a big success. It just left me feeling pretty damn lousy, despite there being a phenomenal cast performing scenes I wrote in front of thousands (a few thousand total but that's many hundreds, and even hundreds of tens) of my fellow students. I'm tired. Gotta write coverage.
If you celebrate Easter, hope it was a happy one, Eric
P.S. Lo and behold, Beck album not out 'til Tuesday. Gonna buy the DVD 5.1 version and make Alex drive me around in his car, (which can play such discs) and listen to it in surround. Shall be fun.

P.P.S. If you enter "New Slang" into the search window of the itunes music store, 3 songs come up. 2 are "New Slang" by The Shins. The other song clearly isn't. Mind you, it's pretty vulgar even 'though I don't know what "slangging" is...
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