Friday, February 11, 2005

Foosball on my Mind, Burrito in my Belly

A week of great eats.
Adelaide and I ate sushi in Little Tokyo. Alex somehow found a place that really feels like my favorite not-fancy
sushi place in the world, Tomoe (on Thompson Street in NYC). After the raw fish and rice, we had Starbucks (3rd time I've had Starbucks in L.A. which is more than I had it in 3 years of post-college life on Waverly Place).

Then last night, I met up with an old high school classmate for dinner at Pace on(in?) Laurel Canyon. Great restaurant. When I start going on more dates, I'll take 'em to places like this. Unless of course, they want me to drive them into Austin Texas for BBQ at the Salt Lick (when I meet the girl who asks me to drive her to the Salt Lick, I will probably marry her.) It was great to see someone back from the old stomping grounds, and I'm glad we're in touch. We weren't super close in high school, but he's a wonderful guy and it was fun to gossip about high school classmates: "i heard rehab didn't work so well for him", "she's pregnant? Again?" and the always wonderful "i'm so glad that guy's in jail". these aren't actual quotes from last night's dinner, mind you, (except for the jail one) but along those lines... (P.S. JC Chavez was with a date at the restaurant. Also, Demi Moore was there with her kids (no A-Kutch in sight))

Yesterday I interviewed for a job to be an assistant to a BILLIONAIRE. The woman said I was charming and easily smart enough for the job (which paid mad bank, ya heard?) but that having met she, she thought it'd be a waste if I didn't keep pursuing the creative path. then she dangled the carrot, "would you like to have this job?" but she'd pretty much talked me out of it in a way that makes a lot of sense. that being said, can you imagine being a personal assistant to someone who has thousands of millions of dollars? I said it sounded like it'd be exciting. But anyway, the woman was incredibly nice and is going to ask her industry friends if they know any directors looking for assistants (she's placed a few assistants with directors in the past). It was great to go into a job interview and just meet a really nice person who thinks you're great. it makes you feel so good about yourself.

I've had a few interviews this week and they all went really well. the temp agency says they should have stuff for me the week after next in glendale, which means a short drive to an office building where i'll do office stuff in exchange for rent money.
Might be freelancing for a musician next week for a few days which will be sort of a fun google search sort of project.

I'm finally seeing M-Lawr's show tonight and partying at A-Scards B-Day Shin-Dig. (BTW, Have you used a hyphen yet today?) Going into the desert this weekend to help Alex again with his shoot.

Had a burrito for lunch at El Gran Burrito on Vermont and Santa Monica. They do very good work with tortillas there.
Everyone have a wonderful Sabbath, Eric

P.S. Try to listen to this mp3 in its entirety: a song from "short circuit" (which of course, stars guttenberg)


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