Thursday, January 27, 2005

Episode IV: A New Haircut

Eric says:
Relief. I can finally go in public again without being mistaken for the tallest hobbit of all time. But mostly, I just spend hours admiring the new Eric aka "The Rick". 12 dollar haircut at a nice little barbershop on Hollywood between Hillhurst and Vermont. Gentleman who cut my hair was named Benny. I'd go to him again. The 'do looks good. At first, Benny, cut my hair short on the sides and didn’t cut the top. As soon as he slicked it back, I explained I neither wanted nor needed a pompadour. He nodded and went to work. Benny’s a good guy to talk to. He says my wife will like my new haircut. Wife? Um, Benny, how many times do I have to tell you? Alex is not my wife. He’s my roommate.

Lots of resume sending out this week (lots of jobs posted online). Hopefully, I'll get some more interviews soon. If anyone knows any tv writers/screenwriters/directors looking for a hardworking assistant with a nice haircut...

Jobsearch aside, days have been pretty quiet. Lots of reading and movie watching. I saw "A Very Long Engagement" finally at the Arclight. There's some grotesque images in it that weren't really what I was in the mood for. I rented a dvd of the most recent "Bartleby" with Crispin Glover. So I had Crispin Glover nightmares last night (after dinner out with E-Mags. We hit up a really inexpensive koreatown eatery that I enjoyed. Koreatown brought the spicy, ya heard! Jonathan Gold, as usual, gave good guidance. Only 38 more places on J-Gold’s list of L.A.’s top Korean Restaurants. Curious Californians, behold THE LIST OF 40!

Alex gets back from Sundance tomorrow. Picking him up from LAX at 11.

Tonight I went out to dinner with A-Scards. She likes the new haircut. I hope she tells all her friends (who are girls) about how cool E-Lane is looking these days. We went to a healthy Mexican restaurant. It was good but overpriced. I had shrimp enchiladas with a side of zucchini. The waiter was overly friendly in a kinda strange way. Everytime I would say thank you, he would say thank you. He’d even say thank you when I hadn’t offered a compliment. When I told him my dinner was spicy, he said, “Thank you.” I was confused. The restaurant had strange acoustics and the laughter from the back room sounded like it was in a distant echo chamber/cave.

I’ve been negligent in posting for 2 reasons. 1. I’ve become self-conscious about the length of my posts. I realize they’d be shorter if I posted on a more regular basis. 2. There hasn’t been a whole lot to report. My life has consisted of going to the gym, eating brown rice and chicken for lunch, watching movies, reading books, making up songs in the shower or in the car while I drive....
Making up songs in the shower has really become a popular activity. It’s also when I’m in traffic. I come up with ridiculous songs. Today’s went:
“If I didn’t have to take you out, I’d really like to take you out. It’s tough days for me. I’m a hitman in love.”

Or last week’s now famous:
“Help me doctor, I’ve got snakes!
Must have been something you ate!
Dirty water and undercooked food,
now there’s something living inside of you.
The parasite song has Number #1 Song of All Time written all over it (in invisible ink).

Um, I just needed to share. I don’t know why. If anyone wants to call me and hear the parasite song in full, I’ll be happy to sing it...

I'm helping out this weekend on a shoot by one of Alex's classmates. Should be a good time. Will be sure to eat free food and joust with c-stands. FYI, C-Stands are a type of stand, not an abbreviation of a person's name.

It's late. Sleepy, Eric

P.S.Online-only video by Mumbleboy for a remix of Beck’s “Hell Yes” from the upcoming album (Guero). Hell Yes (in realplayer format)
Hell Yes (for Windows Media Player)
Haven't found a link to a quicktime version yet.
According to Beck's publicity folks, this version of "Hell Yes" is "from a 4 song remix EP that will be available on digital outlets 2/1. It's not the first single, but a special online only video.”


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