Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Summertime in the middle of January...

This is why I moved to Los Angeles. This warm weather is incredible.
Driving around in shorts and a t-shirt while it's 14 degrees in NYC.
Woke up early today 'cause Ikea came with Neighbor Matt's new furniture.
They dropped everything off and then sped away into the sunshiny morning.

Anyone know anyone in L.A. who can help me record a couple M.C. Nuggets tracks? Found a couple neat people who are willing to listen to my ridiculous rhymes. Seeking a genius multi-instrumentalist who can craft songs that won't be crushed beneath the weight of Nuggets's ridiculous rhymes... or something like that...

Hope everyone had a great long weekend. I went out on Saturday and stayed out 'til 4. 'Twas awesome. C-Marsh's had a birthday party in Atwater Village, so I saw a bunch of old college friends, who of course I immediately decided to e-mail when I walked in the front door at 4. Not a good idea. Didn't say anything too stupid, just used too many exclamation points in my messages... What was I so excited about? I have no idea...


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