Thursday, February 09, 2006

"Good Doctor" is not the new Lazy Sunday... Nontheless...

I've not been posting a lot lately. Work is busy. We have a film coming out this Friday in New York and L.A. that I'm very happy to be working on (at least on the distribution side). Here's a link.
I'll be in New York Saturday night. Plans are up in the air. I think 8pm, I'll be hitting Pearl Oyster Bar with Martha, who sent me this link to a funny clip I hadn't seen yet. I get e-mails with funny video links about once a week now. Back when I was in college, people really seemed to only e-mail each other funny (usually not very funny) photos and stuff you got over and over and over again (por ejemplo, the "peep delta" mp3).
In the days before the internet, how did people show co-workers/friends something funny? Did they send a super 8 reel via carrier pigeon? Did they have to draw a picture and send it via pneumatic tube networks? Did they just have to describe it: "Oh you had to be there; Jack Benny made me laugh so hard I vomited! True story!"
Alex really liked the sushi at Asenabo. Kiriko still is tops for me out here. Asenabo is very good but is not as fun as Kiriko or Mori. Asenabo can cut a dungeness crab into like 45 pieces and make it looks really cool, which is impressive. Anyway, there's still plenty of great/expensive L.A. sushi joints to try. Anyone try Sushi Sushi?
I made pasta earlier in the week and have been eating leftovers every night. Nothing fancy, but pretty good and cheap... I might do the same next week.
Trying to decide what to get my cousin for his bar mitzvah present... Archie McPhee merch is too silly... A fancy pen is too serious. An ipod is too predictable (and a little pricey)... A subscription to Playboy would upset my uncle immensely... I might just get him supercool Grado headphones... Yes, I think that's it... Although the hot dog cooker/bun toaster from Hammacher Schlemmer always seems like a funny gift...
I'm at work. And am tired. Time for coffee! - Eric


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

grados are the bomb, though they might be a little light on the bass for your cuz's 13 yr old ears and not isolating enough for the morning bus rides to school...

i'd recommend these phones (sennheiser 212 pros):

they block outside noise really well and have really fun, boom-y bass..
these are the cans i wish i had when i was in high school.


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