We have termites in our living room. Confirmed it last night. For about a week, I've seen these winged insects either dead on the carpet or dead with their heads poking out through the holes of the sliding glass door screen. Even worse, I think, are the bodyless wings that are scattered on the kitchen floor and by the windows. I thought these were merely flying ants, a seasonal disturbance that would pass in a day or two. I don't mind bugs but yesterday really got to me. It was hot as hell yesterday; it was still plenty warm at 11pm when I got back home. I checked the window sill to see if the situation got worse because of the heat and yup it did. Instead of seeing like 10 or so dead bugs, I saw, in all seriousness about 100 dead bugs piled on top of each other. I got some paper towels and cleaned up the mess. I then started to get all paranoid that these bugs were everywhere and sure enough, when I sat down to read the paper on the couch, I found about 10 live ones crawling under the cushions and a couple hiding in the folds of a blanket. GROSS. I got my RAID out and started going buck wild. Then I finally hoped on the internet to see what the hell these winged insects were: TERMITES. I combed the brown carpet for more dead termites and I found a few before the ants could get to them. Then like any normal person, I started to feel bugs crawling on my skin even though of course I was just imagining it.
This morning, I've scheduled two inspections for next week. Last night, as I tried to fall asleep---thankfully, no bugs in my bedroom---, I decided that it might be worth looking around for somewhere else to live, a place without ants---we've had ants ever since we moved in over a year ago---without shitty carpeting, with better lighting, a place that doesn't get blazingly hot during the day, a place without disgusting termites!!!
and don't forget: really cold in the winter.
also: i think flying ants ARE termites. in the same way that caterpillers are butterflies. any 9-year-old could probably tell you better than me, but check into it.
You and Eric can move in with me if the termites overrun you. Least I could do in this time of national trial...
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