won't you take me to pizzatown?
mat-j and i waited in line at casa bianca in eagle rock last night for over an hour. there was an impatient kid who at one point, nearly defeated by the wait for dinner, said, "i want hot pizza all over my body". how weird/funny is that? i burnt the roof of my mouth on the pizza. thumbs up.
can anyone in new york recommend any good temp agencies? not for me. for a friend.
surprise beck show tomorrow night at the el-rey. i completely failed to get tickets. friend of ticketmaster is no friend of mine. anyway, it's okay. i really need to hit the theater this weekend and catch up on movies. i still haven't seen junebug!
i turned in the camry for a blue mazda 6, which is smaller and more fun. another month 'til my car is fixed.
on saturday, i'm test driving cars to see what my next car will be. audi a3 3.2 hits dealerships in december. i think it's, in the words of Grease, "the one that i want, ooh ooh ooh." unless of course i find a used 246 dino.
my mom bought me the brightest madras shirt, which i wore to work today. just wearing this shirt makes me happier...
i've found lots of decent enough jobs through atrium. www.atriumstaff.com have the person mention my name and i get, like, a $50 bonus! so generous! i've also used gainor and they are really nice, but atrium is bigger and faster.
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