Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Big Poping - P.O.P.E.

Eric writes:
New Pope. Same as the old pope.
Not really, but you know what I'm saying.
Big post to come one day. Had dinner with the hilarious & awesome J Matty J.
And his name is, Eric

P.S. Monday's post:
What a weekend. Friday night was poker night. I drank too much which resulted in me winning money, whilst wearing a big army hat and a pink scarf. Great group of friends came over. C-Marsh is a funny storyteller, the kind who can get you to erupt with laughter, milk shooting out of your nose kinda laughter... J4 and S-Brahms and A-Scards and T-Sags and Neighbor Mat, all in the same room as well? You betcha'. It was fun fun fun. Alex also played a couple hands.

Saturday, I woke up, helped Neighbor Mat pick up his new dresser. I can't recall most of the day. I went to the gym and worked out. I watched Disc 3 of Wonderfalls. Wonderfalls is a strange show. There's something I like about it but the editing (lots of things sped up with silly sound to reiterate the speeding-up of time) was irksome. I felt like some moments were played for honest emotion but other times, they made actors overact to try and make things funny. Over the top in a really off-putting way. But as the series goes on, they let the characters have some emotional room to breathe, which was nice... I'd heard really great things about the show and found myself slightly disappointed despite liking the actors, the stories, some of the dialogue, etc. The style/tone just felt really off at times in a way that was an attempt at quirky which just came across as unbelievable.

Sunday, I woke up, watched 800 Bullets by Alex De La Iglesia. It's not a great film but some tremendous acting, and great moments between adults and a child, reminiscent of Beat Takeshi's Kikujiro (sp?). Having only seen one Alex De Iglesia film before (Day of the Beast, which is pretty funny and very nuts), I didn't know what the film was gonna be. Gets slow for the last 25 minutes, but the rest had me smiling and letting out little yelps of joy. Then I wrote most of the day.

Sunday Night, Alex's classmate, C, was having a birthday party at Brass Monkey (which happens to be a good Beastie Boys song, and a not-so-good drink). It's a karaoke joint in Koreatown. I was about to sign up to do "Ring of Fire", when C begged me to instead find a song to rap over. I decided to rap over a Dr. Dre song. I rapped too quickly and was out of breath for a lot of it, but when all was said and done, the smoke cleared and I got big applause from a roomful of strangers (and Alex's classmates). This felt really great. Fed my appetite for attention. Then there was a weird conversation that won't go here, as it's perfect for my memoirs.


At 8:47 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Bring those excellent people with you tomorrow if possible please.
I bought backyard decorations and cheese and everything!


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