Monday, April 04, 2005

Rock Me Amadeus

eric writes:

What a great weekend. Friday night poker. I brought in Banh Mi Sandwiches. Note to self: Stick to regular food next time so people who don't want to eat strange sandwiches don't go hungry. Luckily I had stocked up with Trader Joe's food so everyone survived poker night. Neighbor Matt played aggressively and emerged the victor. Saturday, I worked out. That night I went out with A-Scards for dinner and a party. Both were fun. Sunday, A-Scards, T-Sags, and I went to the beach and ate sandwiches at Bay Cities in Santa Monica. I'm partial to NYC in many ways, but let me just say, Bay Cities makes terrific sandwiches. Got home, did some writing. Then Alex and I went to dinner. The streets of Thai Town were closed off for some sort of event that must've transpired earlier in the day. We went to Palms and again, ordered our food too spicy. Thai Elvis was there. He was great, and the guy who followed him also great. He sang soft 70's pop songs (think A.M. Gold Time Life commercials) in a nicely broken English. "Country Roads" was my fav of his. Post-Thai Food/Concert, Alex and I hit the Arclight and saw "Sin City" in the dome. The Mickey Rourke section was excellent as was everything with Benicio Del Toro. Lots of terrible acting from the girls cast as eye candy. It's a very good adaptation of a comic book I'm not particularly crazy about. Lots of gravelly-voiced dudes in the movie. Certainly much better than "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" which was unwatchable at points.

And now it's Monday. Joined the 2 J-Hart siblings and Spragooey for lunch. Drove around for a couple of hours with J3, showing him some pretty L.A. traffic. Really great to see an old friend. All for now, Eric

P.S. Best Jay-Z/Nena mash-up of the day is at : 99 Luft Problems

P.P.S. Every conceivable way to order at In-N-Out:'s list of ways to order a burger.


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