Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Building My Ikea Desk or alternatively The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

Ambitious Outsiders reports that there is going to be a secret Beck show tomorrow night at 1650 depending on how many people show up. As soon as I find out more, I'll let people know, Eric

No, the desk isn't finished, if that's what your asking. Eric, your faithful narrator, is taking a break. 3 of 4 legs are affixed to the desk. The 4th is awaiting the cessation of my laziness. This desk has me cursing and cussing like a madman. I hurt my hand and actually yelled out "dicktard". Then I started laughing but felt like I had no one to share it with. Well, while I'm taking the break, I figured, write for the blog and share...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. I spent most of the day assembling an Excel spreadsheet for a short freelance job I have. I got a call yesterday. A production company is interviewing me for a job on Thursday. I'm excited for that. The job sounds like a lot of fun. Last night, Alex and I walked over to the Nat and Matt's and watched The Grammy's. Good laughter.

Today was sort of a waste, which I'm upset about. Went to the gym and then ate an enormous quasi-healthy lunch of egg white omelette and tofu dogs. Spent the afternoon writing and starting to clean my room, which needs some serious cleaning. Gotta get organized again. Gonna try to do my taxes tonight. That's always a good time.

Last night I couldn't sleep and wrote a terrible song about alligators in a lake in wisconsin. the song is awful but i'm hoping to record it on my new ibook and put it up here for everyone to enjoy. - Eric

P.S. I've been having the worst dreams. In the one on Saturday night, I was staying in a hostel in Europe. I've never actually been to Europe. Anyway, me and all the American dudes in the hostel are playing with a ouija board. It quickly becomes apparent that the witch-ghost residents of the building want me out. Oh, and they think my name is Sarah. The dudes all think this is funny. I'm a little scared. The next day (in the dream) I'm outside with my laptop, using Instant Messenger, and one of the witch-ghosts starts IM'ing me, saying "Sarah, we hate you. Leave now or die." I turn off my computer and am then being chased by the witchghosts, who look like ET when he has the long hair wig in the movie. Dream ends. I wake up, convinced that one of these witch-ghosts is in the closet. I turn on the lights and throw the closet into disarray. Luckily, no witch-ghosts to be found. I of course, decide that a movie about a hostel where the ghosts are hostile would be the best movie ever and start writing in my notebook. The movie will be called "Hostel". I woke up the next day, upset I'd taken the time to try and turn this particular nightmare into a movie idea.

P.P.S. I don't usually remember my dreams, but I had another one that I should share. For one, it was in 3rd person. Fanucci (the badass from Godfather 2) is a musician in WW2 Italy. He plays the upright bass alone on the street for money, but is frequently heckled and chased by facist gangs made up of children. Fanucci starts throwing rocks at the children (yeah, nice image of this dream is kids getting hit with rocks.) Anyway, Fanucci feels terrible 'cause kids are crying so he comes out and starts playing the bass for them. They are mesmerized, but he's so nervous he makes a mistake. The children notice this and start yelling at him. Fanucci takes off running. He has to drop his bass. He escapes the children, looks back, and the children are kicking his upright bass. Fanucci goes for the rocks again. He throws a rock which lands on the neck of the bass. The strings break loose and fly up to slap a kid down the face, yielding 4 red lines down his face. The kid is in shock. Fanucci was super happy but his bass was broken.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Eric, I think maybe you were channeling the darkness, the ringwraithyness of my solitary travels in Europe one year from this month ago, wherein I had awkward and unfulfilling hostel journeys but met no males whatsoever save for the pervy Spanish elderly busdriver who tried to kiss me and..(gag).
And in your dream, the boys - they hate me (you, or some other Sarah you know), which unfortunately might be suggestive of my current status of unchosen celibacy.

And I still dont know what gym you go to.

At 11:55 PM, Blogger Matt White said...

wanna hear my dream the other night -- i was doing stand-up on the tonight show -- the OLD tonight show with johnny carson. but i couldn't understand why people weren't laughing at my jokes. johnny was nice enough to give me a ride home, and i asked him if he thought i was funny, to which he politely changed the subject. then that night i watched the show and realized that I SUCKED!!! i was crushed. swear to God, real dream.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger SHL said...

Eric, I thought you and your writing partner or whoever else might want to go to the first 826 LA workshop. This dude Glasgow is leading it. He's a freak. Here are the details:

"What I Really Do - And How I Got There," Hollywood from the Inside
Organized by Glasgow Phillips and Josh Bycel

Glasgow Phillips has been a writer on Comedy Central's "South Park" and NBC's "Father of the Pride," and he started his writing career with the publication of a novel, "Tuscaloosa." Josh Bycel has written and produced shows for NBC, ABC, CBS and Comedy Central. He has also written pilots for MTV, Sony and NBC Studios as well as feature scripts for MGM and Lions Gate Films.

Come hear a frank discussion with top TV writers, directors, executives and agents. Questions answered: How I got my start? How to write a good spec script? How to get an agent? How to work in a writer's room? How to create a show? And many, many more.

Panelists include executive producers and writers of "King Of The Hill," "Spin City," "Friends," "Ed," and "The Conan O'Brien Show," directors of "The George Lopez Show" and "Listen Up" as well as executives from Fox and agents from UTA and BWCS.
Seminar is $50. Please reserve a spot by emailing us at info@826la.com. Payable by check to 826LA/Etina.


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