Monday, November 29, 2004

Adios trabajo: Soy en fuego (apologies for my spanish, now and forever)

I lost my job. On Saturday night, I got home and there was a message on the answering machine from the Head of HR at the company I work(ed) for. Nervously, she wished me a happy Thanksgiving, then said I should call her on Monday (today) and that I don't need to come into work. Before I called her this morning, I knew what was coming. The last month of work has been difficult. I was working long hours, on top of which my boss was not happy with how things were going. Even though I worked late (without overtime) and would come in 2 hours early to try to be on top of things; the job got increasingly more difficult. Last Monday, my boss was out sick and called in. An uncomfortable conversation ensued where she pointed out that I hadn't finished a project exactly as she wanted it. She sounded frustated, and I was equally frustated 'cause I thought I'd been doing a really good job of things lately, including the project, which I'd finished as best I could by coming in for 11 hours on a Saturday. Apparently not good enough. After the phone call last Monday, I immediately sent the now ex-boss an e-mail saying I would like to talk about what I wasn't doing correctly and that would like to try to work things out. It wasn't to be. Anyway, it's 4:45pm right now as I write this blog post in a notebook as I sit in my car before I head to the office to clean out my desk. My work e-mail account is closed so after my desk is emptied of my stuff, I'll just be a memory to my cubicle friends. I've got mixed emotions about this. I really like the company I was working for, but lately the job had been stressful, demanding, and ridiculously time consuming. It's for the best, even though I forsee acquiring lotsa debt when I purchase holiday gifts for all the children I've fathered since moving to California. This is the first time in my life I've been fired and feeling unwanted is always a lousy feeling even if (as it feels) that this might allow me to find a job I enjoy more. This week I want to figure out what kind of job I should look for next: an undemanding job that gives me time to work on my creative projects, or another industry job where I work long hours and learn skills that will be helpful in figuring out a film career. It's 5pm and I'm still writing. The sun is setting into the pacific and I'm meeting the HR woman at 5:30 to clean out my desk (I got here early because a) I'm nearly always early and b) I'm eager to get this over and done with). .... Just got back to the car. Got my last paycheck and a pamphlet on unemployment. The super nice guy who sits next to me at work said, "Good for you" when I told him I was moving on. It took about 15 minutes to leave an office that I'd spent 2 months at. Goodbyes are strange, especially when someone has to watch you clean your belongings out of your desk. Anyway, it felt like a long day and I'm doing alright. Despite some weirdness to all of this (seeing that a job posting went online Sunday 11/21 advertising my job as an open position; not getting to say goodbye, etc.), I'm feeling pretty relaxed. I might even get unemployment, it looks like, which would be a good thing until I find employment again. Thanks for reading, Eric


At 11:42 PM, Blogger robyn said...

Dear Eric, Why is LA such a jerk sometimes? Why is it so sunny sometimes and then it turns around and poops on us? Well, those jerk-offs are jerk-offs. Seriously, anyone who makes you leave your job like that is a jerk-off. And who makes someone like Eric leave a job anyway? All reports sounded like Eric was the best kind of employee you could hope for, from punctuality to overtime. Jerk-offs. I wish I had a company, then I'd hire you and let you occasionally be late if traffic was bad. As soon as I get this town in a full nelson, it will be so.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Matt White said...

Man! What kind of LOSER loses a job after only 2 months! DAMN! -- er, wait...

Welcome to the club! At least you qualify for unemployment, as for me...not so much. Looks like no Xmas at home this year. But I believe I may have found the key to the perfect aspiring filmmaker lifestyle -- substitute teaching...

At 6:54 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Oh Eric.
I was fired once, and it was a dark day. The setting makes it even more dark. I was fired from my admin assist position at the UCSF Chlamydia Research Lab for being on the internet too much, even though I had reformed my ways after my first review. It was sort of a relief, because I was looking forward to not having to smell the smell of burning urine in the autoclave down the hall first thing in the a.m., however I was really very embarrassed and tried not to cry on the busride home. The "person standing behind you watching you pack up so you wont pull a gun on the room" is quite the worst part. To top it off, a guy kept leaning into me with his unit on the bus- through trackpants - and the junkies that got on at the methadone clinic stop were fighting with each other.
When I was fired, I just smoked a lot of cigarettes and moved away. You really shouldnt do either.
And this was in San Francisco, so I disagree with Robyn, I dont think it's LA that shits on us, it's just life sometimes. THe good news is the shit is all relative and you're super so you've got that going for you. Many people arent super.


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