Monday, January 09, 2006


It's Monday, the first day of the new semester. I hope this semester will be light in comparison to the three previous ones. Goal: polish decent drafts of both screenplays and submit the indier one to the Sundance Labs and then cross fingers. In terms of school work, have fun, pass, and not get stressed I guess. The past two months, I've woken up nearly every morning with a sore jaw, the result of nocturnal grindage of teeths. Several people have attributed it to stress though for the life of me, I can't figure out what could possibly be stressing me out. Sure, I've worried about my future on occasion, but honestly, not often enough to feel like that would be the root of problem. But anyway, less stress I guess.
Oh, last night, ELane, Hil, and I caught BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. Liked it a lot. A guy came into the theater wearing a straight up for real cowboy hat. Go figure.



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