Sunday, January 01, 2006

Feliz Dos-y-Seis!

2006 arrived in Los Feliz!

I should lie and tell you how amazing my New Year's Eve was.

The truth is, I got food poisoning, stayed home and watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's". At midnight, I could see fireworks going off all over the city. Not only that, but I could hear gunshots going off in the distance. Apparently, those stories of people in Los Angeles shooting guns straight up into the air on New Year's Eve are true stories. Scary. Regardless, it was, aside from being sick, a really nice evening to just sit back and think about the good & bad of 2005...

Yesterday, I watched "Labyrinth" with Shlebs. It's weirder than I remembered. Schlebs's neighbors have a one-eyed cat that was super friendly. But first, pre-David-Bowie-w/-Axl's-Welcome-To-The-Jungle-Coiffure, we had lunch at Musso & Frank's, which is a lot like PJ Clarke's mixed with Sardi's. I recommend it highly. I do not recommend the hot corned beef sandwich at all. The Club Sandwich however, was stellar that one other time I ate there...

Today, I'm feeling exhausted, despite doing close to nothing last night. I've been editing "Paralegal" and it's looking like the first cut might break the half-hour mark. How am I gonna cut this down to something watchable? Maybe someone out there would like to give feedback on the rough cut?

I'm going on a long walk now (sort of a New Year's tradition) to reflect on the past year, and what I can do to make 2006 as wonderful a year as possible. Happy 2006! - Eric

P.S. You're my boy, Blue!


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