Friday, December 09, 2005


Hello! I'm back sorta from my 2 week plus hiatus from this blog. Back from post-production hell. The weeks following my short trip to NYC were brutal but I won't bore you with the details except to say that I now hold the following to be absolutely true: 1) sound editing is much cooler than picture editing; 2) sound mixing is much cooler than picture onlining; 3) Working on 4 hours of sleep is much more difficult at 26 than it was at 21; 4) I am indeed good at the things I say I'm good at if not moreso; 5) LA white linen tablecloth dining sucks. I'm spending this morning recovering from a massive 2-day headache (brought on by an intense 2 day sound mix) and another disappointing dinner at one of LA's supposedly finer establishments, Lucques. The portions were suburban, i.e. Cheese Cake Factory sized, and way too rich and blunt. And overpriced! It's definitely an LA thing to privilege quantity over finesse. LA's great for cheap Asian, Mexican, and fast food. But for the higher end experience, it doesn't make sense. Stick to the good shit in NYC. It's cheaper there too. Oh, when I was in NYC, I had lunch at Perry Street. Now THAT'S what you call great value white linen tablecloth cooking!
This weekend, we've got the screenings for all the films my classmates and I have been toiling through this semester. That should be entertaining. Also, got an old college friend coming into town to present a paper at CalTech on Monday. We're gonna watch some football and eat buffalo wings at Ye Rustic on Sunday.
Then on Tuesday, I leave for KO-rea! Expect posts Asia!



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