Monday, December 26, 2005


So I was sick last week and got better by Friday. That was nice. Sunday, I got sick again. From grandma this time. This blows. And Seoul is not funny right now. I just walked from the subway stop back to my grandparents' place. During the summer, it's a pleasant 15 minute jaunt. An hour ago, it was teeth-gritting, rigor mortis-inducing (in the exposed hands for the most part), testicle-turtling, ass-clenching hell. Dante was right (all you CCers know what I'm talking about). It's the wind more so than the actual below zero temperature. It whips and whips relentlessly. How miserable this nation looks! But...
I leave for Hong Kong tomorrow! Yes! Mild tropical warmth only a 3 hour flight away! I'll be in HK for 3 days. This trip couldn't come at a better time. You see, I love Korean food, but after a week and half of nonstop spicy, salty, preserved chow, my stomach has hoisted up the white flag. Two days ago, my belly twisted into a fat knot. So some delicious not spicy Cantonese food will hopefully loosen up my belly and get me back on schedule. Oh I love them Chinese's food! Some nice Cantonese soups and seafood not to mention dim sum on the Bay. Maybe get a kebab or two as well.



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