Friday, January 06, 2006


So I'm back in very sunny very warm LA and it is good. I had a good time in Asia though I would've had more fun and seen more were it not for the fact that I was ill 19 of the 21 days spent across the Pacific.
I fought through most of yesterday and lasted much longer than I thought I would but I suspect at some point this afternoon, I will be taking a very long nap.
I have a lot to get done before school's back in session on Monday. Tops on the list is to see everything that's in the theaters. Second is to gain back the 5 pounds or so I lost due to my illness and the small portions of the meals back East. For some, coming back from vacation a little lighter would be a good thing but when you're shooting for Mr. Universe in 2020, well, that just won't cut it.



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