Saturday, August 20, 2005

L-O-L-A.... LOLA!

Last night I grabbed dinner with Hil. (Hide Sushi came across as like Yama in NYC, lotta fish on rice for little coin, but varying in quality. Albacore was good.) Then Hil and I met up with Alex and some of the 507'ers. Are they 508'ers now? The number changes right? Shlebs was there too. I wanted to hear more about her transition into being a post-sunset superhero. I'm looking forward to chatting her up about it when she returns from her 5 days in the wilderness (camp!). Anyway, we all saw "Red Eye". Not my cup of tea, but I enjoyed how crappy some of the performances were in secondary roles... I'm a Wes Craven fan, but I more prefer Elm Street over anything else. I was a horror movie fan as a kid (really, like from age eight on). I like Brian Cox and all, but really didn't care what happened to his character...
Dropped D off and then Hil off. I then cut across Santa Monica, and went to the 7-11 on Virgil. The parking lot was packed. Inside was crowded, and all these guys, standing around, staring at a "woman" in a mini-skirt, who's at the counter. I mean, clearly a tranny. But the thing is, I don't know if the guys hanging out in 7-11 know. One of them's hitting on her while she tries to speed through buying her cigarettes. Another guy opens the door for her as she walks out. All the guys are staring out the window as she gets into her car and drives away. Me, I'm waiting in line to pay for my Gatorade, but everyone's sort of caught up with Little Miss Hedwig. The guy behind the counter is shaking his head (in disbelief, I think) over all the guys talking about Tootsie. I nod as if to say, I know that Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, was a guy in heels, but counter guy doesn't respond to my nod. But then it hits me, they all must know, right? And it doesn't matter. Pretty is pretty. That's the message, the meaning, the subtext, of the whole moment. Nah, I think as I start my car, that was a bunch of clueless dudes going ga-ga over a dude in a dress, whistling at senor mamacita....
Now it's Saturday and I woke up at 7am, for no reason. I went on a drive and grabbed a bagel for breakfast. I'm now going back to sleep. See you at noon! - Eric


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