Monday, August 08, 2005

Guilty as charged...

Eric finally writes:

I haven't posted to the blog in forever, so tonight here's hoping this is the beginning of me once again sharing my deepest darkest secrets with you. To get you up to speed with me: Life's been good but busy. I've gone from temp to perm at my job. This is good. I like the job and my boss is great.

Alex and I have been in Los Angeles for over a year now. So far so good.

It's my birthday party two weeks from Saturday in New York City. That's right. I'm jumping on a plane and heading east for a week (8/27-9/2).

I feel like my blogging skills are rusty. So I'm keeping it short.

This past weekend, Friday night lasted into Saturday morning. I got home around 4am, and too energized from a night on the town, proceeded to record a not-so-good M.C. Nuggets song, which nontheless I've listened to many times over. I've totally DennisMillered every time I've listened to it. (DennisMiller is a verb I think I just invented, meaning to laugh too hard at your own jokes).

Vegas was a wonderful, excessive, busy weekend. And yes, I lost some money. And no, not too upset. I had a terrific time. Too tired to tell stories. But I did dance my ass off (in a club that looked like a teen community center (except for fireballs coming out of the ceiling). As we're walking into the club, they're bringing some guy out on a stretcher. (No, I did not yell out "Party Foul!" at the top of my lungs). That's intimidating. It's like, we're walking into a club so intense that you need a couple of EMT's to bring you out afterwards...

My brain won't work. Falling asleep. We'll talk soon, Eric


At 12:41 AM, Blogger Fat Asian Baby said...

damn. i'm just gonna miss you. i'll be there hosting a party at gina's on the 19th before heading back to atlanta on the 21st.


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