Thursday, March 10, 2005


Had my mix at 8 AM this morning meaning that I am done w/ my film! Yahoo! Now I can actually do what I love to do: go see movies! And sleep! And blog more often for you dear readership!
The mixer was really fucking cute and funny and sweet and professional, but Mo, my partner, said I blew it with her b/c after we finished, we said our thank yous and catch you laters, but apparently, I just said bye a couple of times w/o looking at her one last time, that I just said bye and thanks as I was walking out the door thereby leaving her left hanging sans some sort of sexual oozing on my part. According to Mo, she looked as if she was not only taken aback, but also disappointed that I didn't, I don't know, hold her hand and gently embrace her side, or tell her, let's go bone in the machine room. Let's face it, I'm a moron when it comes to reading signals or maybe it's b/c as my boy Greg says of me, "cinema is your mistress." In any case, she was crazy attractive but in the end, more Mo's type than mine.
I'm gonna take a nap now and hopefully I'll dream one of those "what if she and I" dreams that you know dudes, really rock.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger robyn said...

Like we say at Year of the Horse: You Gotta Pony Up!


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