California, don't miss me too much...
Tired Eric writes:
It's 12:30, and I'm not done packing. My flight is at 7, which means me leaving my house at 4:30. At this point, it doesn't look like I'm getting much sleep. I'm flying to New York, where I'll hang out all night and then meet my parents + one sister at 4am Friday morning for a flight to Miami, on which I'll sleep. I'm trying to finish packing but I keep getting distracted. This isn't a new problem. I'm dawdling, working on my script/making work for me/reading friends' blogs. I've got the Florida stuff packed. Now all I need to do is figure out what to bring to New York (where I'll be spending a few days post-Miami). E-Mags reports that there's sushi in Miami. Call me Mr. 1986 if you want, I don't care. I think sushi is great. Except when cream cheese, imitation crabmeat, too sweet a sauce (apologies sasabune (and michael spinks, to those in the know)), lousy fish, weird-consistency rice (try Trader Joe's sushi for an example of this) are involved. Los Angeles has wonderful sushi but let me just say, good to know that on vacation there's decent sushi to be had.
I'll have internet access in Miami, so I'll try to post to the blog a few times during my travels. Thanks to those who've listened to the mp3's. They were fun to make. I'll keep putting them here as I make them.
Just checked the weather in New York. Looks like I better bring a hat and gloves. Winter has overstayed it's welcome. The plan tomorrow night is to eat at Lombardi's (pizza) with Paul (P-Getz) and Martha, and then take it from there...
Alright, gotta pack, Eric
If you miss me during my absence, just imagine me, shirtless, training for Ninja Academy.

P.S. Neighbor Matt's Blog (listed on the right) pointed to this music video. It gets more and more entertaining as it goes on. It's no Star Wars Kid or the "numa numa" guy who just got the write-up in the New York times. Nontheless, thanks to Neighbor Matt for sharing "mazed and amazed" with me and the rest of his readers. Word on says this is the guy's website. Yes, I confess: I googled "mazed and amazed". Really, I should get to packing. Or maybe I'll just watch the music video one more time...
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