Friday, March 04, 2005


After a couple of long nights in a row spent tooling around in the Lucas Editing Suites, I'm gonna go do something fun tonight! Yahoo! Our good friend and sometime weight training partner ARoss will be performing tonight at Spaceland w/ OK GO. They've been on tour for a month and since he's been gone, my workouts at the gym have suffered tremendously and I've had nary a baseball talk which sucks cause the season's just around the corner and the Mets look rickety but good and hell I want to talk to someone about them! I'm real proud of Andy: get this, he's doing what he loves and getting paid for it! Don't know too many others who can claim the same. My whole "rock shows are boring" attitude is incrementally going the way of the dodo after seeing Antony & the Johnsons the other night, the Arcade Fire a few months ago, and now tonight with OK GO whose music I'm not familiar with at all but fuckin' A, homeboy's in the show! There will also be many young girls there which I am particularly looking forward to mostly b/c I've never seen teenage girls in heat, which is bound to happen b/c word on the street is that OK GO is huge in junior highs across the globe from Harvard Westlake in LA to the bangin' West-hatin' madrassas' in Saudi Arabia. Word. So if you're in LA go to the show! If you're in NYC they're coming into town next month!
In other news, I had an "I miss NYC moment" on Wednesday. The Dining Out section did a huge spread on the delivery/take-out phenomenon. That should be enough info.


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