Thursday, December 09, 2004

So close

Woke up at the asscrack of dawn to take my sound final exam. 76 multiple choice questions in half an hour. What is the .1 in Dolby 5.1? What is worldizing? What kind of microphone does this picture describe? While bubbling in the scantron, all I could think of was: will Barneys still have the dull black cotton/silk blend Martin Margiela suit (size 48/38) on the racks when I go for a visit on Sunday? No one saw Alfie, but fyi, his suits were all by Margiela.
I've been to the Barneys in LA a few times and I do not like the layout at all: it's much too much like Saks. Too many racks stuffed with way too much clothing. There's actual effort involved to find stuff that's cool and unaffordable. The New York Barneys has the right attitude: these are no mere clothes, but rather, exorbitantly priced "pieces" and should be displayed as such. Easy to see and judge things as being either too fruity or too Rei Kawakubo circa 1980. Unfortunately, I've got no money which blows b/c while some people like to collect DVDS or bid on eBay as a means of retail therapy, I on the other hand like to celebrate or get over a hump by buying, once a year, at least two ridiculously expensive designer pieces at Barneys. Best part: I have shit shoes.
Anyway, have my last final tomorrow. Acting. I'm no thesp, but shit's fun. I'm in a scene from Good Will Hunting where I'm Lambeau (the math professor) and BJ's Sean (Robin Willams). Here are some of my lines:
"He has a gift and with that gift comes responsibility."
"Oh, that's nice, Sean."
"He won't be a failure."
Acting is seriously hard and I have so much respect for those special folk who can take on the burden of living another person's life.
After class, there are a couple of get-togethers and then on Saturday, back in NEW YORK CITY! First on the list: Schiller's w/ the EW/SI/DETAILS/Matthew C-G crew.


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