Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Eric, of the popular rock group, M.C. Nuggets and the Peppermint Pimps writes in:
I put my credit card to work last week and bought an iMac. The screen is enormous. Once I buy Final Cut Pro, I will finally be equipped to start editing "Paralegal", the cutesy movie I wrote/directed/starred-in last June. I think it's gonna be good but if not, that's alright. I've been writing another short...

The iBook hard drive is gone forever, as are the documents I'd been working on in there. "Looking for 88" and "Replacing Josh" were two scripts I hadn't really backed up. Oh well, you know, I've learned my lesson. Back up your data. It's not too bad. Just sorta a pain in the neck. Also shelled out 85 bucks to a super nice guy for determining that my computer couldn't be fixed. (He's this really nice guy in the valley who does all sorts of computer work and is the go-to guy for broken hard drives.). Apple Store is going to replace the drive.

I drove to La Jolla this weekend and met up with my parents, who were in town, as was one of my younger sisters. It's their ideal town to retire to, and I understand why. It's one of the most beautiful places in America. The real estate prices are through the roof ridiculous...

Just sitting on Matt's deck with Neighbor Matt, I remembered a sort of traumatic moment in my childhood that's more amusing than most of my haircut memories... In 3rd grade, I tried to cut my own hair with scissors. I ended up with a bald spot in the center, right near the front of my scalp. When I entered school the next day, I had a nickname: "Blowhole". Luckily, the nickname only lasted for a day, at the end of which, I begged my mom to take me to a barbershop to remedy the situation. I ended up with my first buzzcut. Which brings me to now... In need of a haircut, I think I'm gonna go to a professional (or at least the cheapest haircut I can find in the 'hood). I'm leaning towards a buzzcut.

I'm going to see Beck on Friday, July 22nd. Note: I have two tix now available for the Saturday, July 23rd show if an friends reading this are interested. They're great f'ing seats.

Sorry I've been so negligent in my blog posting duties. I lost the song I'd been working on when my computer went down. Fear not, I'm working on the song again. "Aloha and Shalom" is the title. Be patient, and it'll be here soon.

And his name is: ERIC


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