Monday, February 21, 2005


So what a surprise, it's been raining 4 days straight and I'm not talking about no kind of priapic piss drizzle I'm talkin' gobs upon gobs of warm precipitate. Heavy. Unrelenting. Clouds don't seem to want to budge despite my sincerest protestations (i.e. "Please stop."). Land is sliding in the neighborhood and God's felled some trees for sure. I'm amazed that HOTEL LOS FELIZ hasn't sprung a leak yet (though I can sort of mold a veritable dune in my bathroom). The other night, before going to bed, I went outside onto the deck and watched lightning strike Hollywood. A lot. It was a lovely sight, but I'm sure someone got deepsixed.
The only thing to do when it's raining like this is to see lots of movies so instead of doing work---I did have my last day of filming on Sunday out in the desert; went well and sated my thirst for the desert for like maybe forever---I went to see 4 movies over the weekend: Constantine, Nobody Knows, Band of Outsiders, A Woman Is A Woman. A nice variety of shit, art, and history. Keanu was pretty great and Eric and I stayed through the credits hoping to see who designed his suit, but no such luck. I'm assuming it was Prada. Nobody Knows is a must-see: cute little japkids get abandoned by their moms and have to deal. The 12 year old lead won the top acting prize at Cannes last year: Bresson would've been proud. Saw it w/ my boy GK and winnes and Liz who was visiting from HK and her friend (we went to "The Abbey" in WeHo afterwards which is a post in and of itself) The 2 Godards I caught at the New Beverly which may be my new favorite theater (despite the lumpy seats). There isn't a place like it in NYC: 5 bucks for a double feature. The crowd reminded me of those you'd see outside Film Forum or Anthology: young, skinny, German military jacket wearing dudes in dire need of a shave, and greasy haired honnies in all their busty glory. Cans. Size: XL. Anyway, I went with two SC friends who hadn't seen any Godard except "Breathless." I don't know why, but it made me happy to hear that they enjoyed the movies. Cathing up with Godard again, I was reminded that no matter how quirky or creative some of the new American directors are, their films don't amount to jack next to JLG who was busting out into song and dance back in the 60s.
Back to serious business: can someone locate Greenspan's spine? What a pussy.


At 1:09 AM, Blogger robyn said...

nice use of the term, friend.


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