Tough week to be president...
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
GWB and the rest of his gang are having a tough time as of late. I couldn't be happier. Who's with me? - Eric
P.S. Last night, Alex and I watched R Kelly videos (the R in R&B collection), had dinner with a friend 11 days into his jury duty, and then watched Harvey Keitel go over the edge in Toback's "Fingers". Good stuff... I let out a lot of nervous laughter throughout... Looking forward to catching the french remake (the beat that my heart skipped) when the dvd comes out...
P.P.S. Halloween... I've narrowed it down. The runners up:
3. Johnny Cash
2. Mario Incandenza
And the winner of the 1st Annual "What is Eric going to be for Halloween" Competition is:
1. Ignatius Reilly
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